The ranking of individual dogs on an influential ancestor list was generated using PedScope (Tenset Technologies, Ltd., Cambridge, UK) based on the methodology of Boichard et al. Anecdotally, Standard Poodle breeders believe that the incidence of SA is decreasing in the 2010s, although the situation for AD is more uncertain. PubMed Central Sustained positive selection resulted in a marked imbalance in genetic diversity across the genome and in the DLA class I and II region. The average IR value for the population was around 0.0 and only a small proportion had IR values approaching 0.25, which would be equivalent to offspring of full-sibling parents. Standard Poodles from the USA, Canada and Europe showed minor genetic differences, supporting a considerable transoceanic exchange of dogs. Standard Poodles from the 1950s onward can be ranked for the genetic influence of MCB founders, the Wycliffe line, and Old English Apricots using a database that presently contains pedigrees for 235,351 dogs (Table7). One of the objectives of this study was to provide Standard Poodle breeders with the genetic information required to manage diversity within the breed and improve its health. Standard Poodles suffer from a long list of autoimmune diseases including immune mediated hemolytic anemia, immune mediated thrombocytopenia, Evans syndrome, immune pancytopenia, chronic thyroiditis, temporal-mandibular myositis, and chronic active hepatitis. 2013;130(3):23648. The three Standard Poodle populations were remarkably similar in terms of Ho. Dedicated to the Health, Education, and Performance of Poodles, Sebaceous Adenitis with Hyperkeratosis (SA). Int J Legal Med. Tsai S, Santamaria P. MHC Class II Polymorphisms, Autoreactive T-Cells, and Autoimmunity. 2013;65(7):5019. 2012;145(12):26476. An even more profound effect of inbreeding has occurred since the Victorian era and the creation of registries that codified specific breeds and closed populations from outside genetic introgressions. Thirty three STR loci from across the canine genome were multiplexed into two panels (Table1). 2001;268(1480):20217. Article Boichard D, Maignel L, Verrier E. The value of using probabilities of gene origin to measure genetic variability in a population. The COIs for the total population also rose progressively during this same period, paralleling the SA population but from 111% lower. This database is widely used to COIs and relationship as originally described by Wright [60]. Conversely, two STR-associated haplotype was also found to be in linkage with the same sequence based haplotypes (Table3). Norio R. The Finnish Disease Heritage III: the individual diseases. Genalex 6: genetic analysis in Excel. IR is a measure of heterozygosity that weights allele sharing by allele frequency and is highly correlated with standardized heterozygosity and with heterozygosity weighed by locus [32]. Google Scholar. From 18 months to 9+ years. This event has become known as the midcentury bottleneck or MCB. Mol Ecol. In order to study the effect of inbreeding on the incidence of SA and AD, % observed heterozygosity and IR values based on 33 STRs of healthy Standard Poodles (n=314) and Standard Poodles suffering from AD (n=74) or SA (n=61) were compared (Fig. Forabosco P, Bouzigon E, Ng MY, Hermanowski J, Fisher SA, Criswell LA, et al. Four haplotypes, 10011004, comprised 1073/1522 (70.5%) of the total haplotypes that were identified (Table3). However, genetic diversity statistics, internal relatedness, principal coordinate analysis, and DLA haplotype frequencies showed a marked imbalance with 30% of the diversity in 70% of the dogs. [27] and based on an earlier calculation by Queller and Goodnight [58]. 2012;28(19):25379. Tsai KL, Noorai RE, Starr-Moss AN, Quignon P, Rinz CJ, Ostrander EA, et al. Secondary skin infections may be controlled with antibiotics. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Article Therefore, increasing genetic diversity across the breed should decrease the incidence of these diseases, as well as other heritable disorders. PubMed Zoo Biol. Homozygosity of STR-associated DLA class I haplotypes was always associated with homozygosity in linked class II haplotypes, reflecting the strong linkage disequilibrium in the DLA. This loss of breed diversity has probably occurred in both slow and sudden steps. The study used both pedigrees and DNA-based genetic markers across the genome and in the DLA class I and II regions to investigate the effects of the MCB on genetic diversity and on health. Heritability and complex segregation analysis of hypoadrenocorticism in the standard poodle. At least two DLA class II haplotypes 2004 and 2006, conferred 2.42.8 times greater risk for develop AD (p=0.01) or SA (p=0.009). Mild cases with no outward symptoms are classified as sub-clinical. The contribution of the five unique ancestors to either SA or AD was then determined by comparing the ratio of diseased to healthy dogs to the contribution of each unique ancestor to their pedigrees (Table8, Figs. HL was responsible for coordinating sample submission, log-in, and testing, as well as preparation of graphs and tables and statistical analyses. 2007;70(1):537. Treatment is lifelong in clinically-affected dogs. These findings indicated that the genetic traits responsible for SA are not completely fixed in the 70% of the poodle population that is at greatest risk, while the traits responsible for AD are probably fixed. University of Helsinki, 2011,, accessed April 28, 2014. However, inbreeding has occurred to some degree in dogs since a species of small wolves attached their evolutionary fate to humans as long as 40,000years ago [41]. 2014;17(2):12630. JPM2d0D2BVEw`{JxekaTrN1 m&xd:<<3'/Q 5+j"T02^WUOnn*IrE$6. Identifying DLA class I haplotypes is much more difficult, time consuming and expensive, even with more improved techniques [35]. Homozygosity in either DLA class I or II regions was not a significant risk factor for either SA or AD. CAS %PDF-1.5 % Jokinen P. Identifying genetic risk factors in canine autoimmune disease. This data was then used to genetically assess the five populations (Table2). 2022 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. The seven dogs used to calculate % OEA included Vulcan Golden Light, Alpenden Owstonferry Golden Orial, Pinetum Shantung Tatters, Frenches the Golden Horn, Tangerine of Whittens, Vulcan Merry Sonatina, and Vulcan Champagne Tansy. Massey J, Boag A, Short AD, Scholey RA, Henthorn PS, Littman MP, et al. Dogs that produce SA-affected offspring carry the gene(s) for SA. Stephens M, Smith NJ, Donnelly P. A new statistical method for haplotype reconstruction frompopulation data. The RR for AD among dogs possessing the minor class I haplotypes was 0.53 (95% CI 0.298-0.84, z statistic 2.17, p=0.03). The objective of this study was to determine the influence of inbreeding and specific STR-associated DLA class I and II haplotypes on the incidence of two common autoimmune diseases in Standard Poodles, SA and AD. Wright S. Coefficients of inbreeding and relationship. California Privacy Statement, Identification of risk loci for necrotizing meningoencephalitis in Pug dogs. Although pedigrees of sufficient depth are helpful in documenting the various artificial genetic bottlenecks of the last 150years, they do not provide an accurate picture of how these events have affected genetic diversity. 2012;47 Suppl 1:2730. The Standard Poodle Database [59] currently contains 235,351 pedigrees that go back to the establishment of registries., accessed June 27, 2015. The breed has suffered a major artificial genetic bottleneck associated with show-winning bloodlines that rose to dominance in the 1950s. The second comparison accounted for potential loss of diversity that occurred as a result of breed development since the registry was established in 1874 in England. (Sebaceous glands produce sebum, which lubricates and protects the skin and hair follicles.). Barber RM, Schatzberg SJ, Corneveaux JJ, Allen AN, Porter BF, Pruzin JJ, et al. Although certain DLA class I and II haplotypes conferred an increased risk for AD and SA, or were protective, they only occurred in 39% of the population. The information contained in these documents is current at the time of this writing and is accurate to the best of VIPs knowledge. As a result, almost all subsequent show-winning Standard Poodle stud dogs have had Sir Gay in their pedigree. Great care must be taken to avoid breeding a known carrier to another carrier. \[Kg:b37[YFjw}Z|,_J.ztv:3uu+s N]\;u3u{iNysFv}#'B:r"7DK{dm4Ep.n)#F_aKNWFxSbD$V&6BB}(|Lb #>EC Standard Poodles as a whole remain genetically diverse, but steps should be taken to rebalance diversity using genetic outliers and if necessary, outcrosses to phenotypically similar but genetically distinct breeds. We demonstrated that the incidence of both Addisons disease and sebaceous adenitis in Standard Poodles increased as a result of an artificial genetic bottleneck involving a small group of show-winning founders from the mid-twentieth century. PCoA plot based on 33 genomic STRS of 761 poodles. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to combine pedigrees and modern DNA-based tests to better define how much the breed has been genetically affected by past events, and in particular the MCB. PubMed Central A third, and minor bottleneck, occurred at about this same time when Old English Apricot (OEA) poodles were used to improve the quality of dogs with the apricot coat color. Lacy RC. Diversity could also be increased by bringing in entirely new blood, such as the outcrossing of Standard Poodles with Miniature Poodles. The two most common DLA class I haplotypes comprised 45% of all recognized haplotypes and the four most common made up 90%. If real, associations based solely on relative haplotype frequencies in healthy and diseased dogs should be confirmable by genome wide association studies (GWAS). The mean number of alleles per locus in dogs from different regions differed, but this appeared to be a result of sample size, because the number of effective alleles was similar among dogs from the three geographic areas (Table2). Wilbe M, Jokinen P, Truv K, Seppala EH, Karlsson EK, Biagi T, et al. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. Genet Sel Evol. Genetic diversity estimates were calculated from allele and allele frequency data from 33 genomic STR loci using GenAIEX 6.5 [56]. A single DLA class II haplotype was present in a heterozygous or homozygous state in 83% of the population, which was similar to our earlier study [7]. PCoA plots confirmed that a large proportion of the population was more homogeneous with comparatively few genetic outliers. Further non-random and human driven selection can be attributed to the Neolithic period when people settled into an agricultural and pastoral lifestyle and dogs integrated with village life [42]. When studied, breeds of dogs that suffer the most from autoimmune disease also are often among the most inbred. Immunogenetics. J Anim Breed Genet. However, this was a select population of genetically diverse Miniature Poodles that had been chosen for outcrossing and these values may not reflect all Miniature Poodles. 2013;65(4):2917. The strongest DLA class I risk (OR=17) was demonstrated for pancreatic acinar atrophy in German Shepherd Dogs [12], while the strongest DLA class II associated risk (OR=12.75) was shown for NME in Pug Dogs [23]. This information has been provided to you at no charge. Internal relatedness (IR) based on 33 genomic STRs was calculated for 664 of the 673 Standard Poodles in the study (Fig. Although these ancient heritable diseases are troublesome, they have become more or less accepted. However, genetic bottlenecks often complicate such efforts. Genome wide association studies have also failed to confirm DLA association in lupus-like disease in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers [8]. Recombination hotspots rather than population history dominate linkage disequilibrium in the MHC class II region. This subsequent period of intense inbreeding has not only increased the incidence of ancient diseases, but it has also led to a great increase in simple Mendelian diseases. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 2014;175(17):430. The primary goal of genetic testing should be to identify genome-wide diversity and to use this information to increase, rebalance or introduce new diversity. Pedersen NC, Liu H, McLaughlin B, Sacks BN. The present study is concerned with the Standard Poodle, a breed that suffers from a number of autoimmune disorders, two of which, SA and Addisons disease (AD) are particularly common. Mogenes Beauzeaux was born in 1962 and is the sixth most influential ancestor for dogs suffering from SA, A comparison of the relationship coefficient (% ancestry) of Haus Sachses Rebecca in an individual pedigree and the ratio of SA (n=465) to healthy Standard Poodles (n=1643). 2001;68(4):97889. The Poodle Health Registry data base [25], which contains voluntary information, was coupled with private and solicited communications to identify three different populations from among 235,351 pedigrees: 1) healthy dogs with no autoimmune disease in at least three generations, n=1,643; 2) dogs with AD, n=512; and 3) dogs with SA, n=465. There has been a general belief that SA and AD entered the breed as a result of extensive inbreeding starting in the middle of the twentieth century that involved a small group of founders that produced show winning offspring. volume2, Articlenumber:14 (2015) In order to test these hypotheses, we elected to expand previous research that was done with Standard Poodles [7]. They often occur in complex genetic pathways affecting organs such as eyes, heart/blood, muscle, or nervous system with some regularity [44]. Hair re-growth varies depending on the dog. please consider making a tax-deductible donation to:,, This can be done by increasing the contribution of genetic outliers, which are a minority of the population but contain a majority of the genetic diversity. If, as the present study demonstrates, autoimmune disease becomes more prevalent in the most inbred portions of the population, it follows that certain DLA class I and II haplotypes could undergo either real or inadvertent positive selection and become either a cause or marker of autoimmunity. Article The RR for SA in dogs with minor haplotypes was 0.428 (95% CI 0.214-0.859, z statistic 2.388, p=0.0169). Therefore, the present study focused on the relationship between losses of genetic diversity, as determined by genome-wide and DLA class I and II-associated haplotype markers and pedigrees, with two common autoimmune conditions of the breed, SA and AD. Sebaceous adenitis (SA) and Addisons disease (AD) increased rapidly in incidence among Standard Poodles after the mid-twentieth century. A comparison of the relationship coefficient (% ancestry) of Berkham Hansel of Rettats in an individual pedigree and the ratio of AD (n=512) to healthy Standard Poodles (n=1643). Tissue Antigens. Perspect. Curr Biol. Article NCP was project leader and was extensively involved in breeder contacts and manuscript preparation. The Kintamani dog: genetic profile of an emerging breed from Bali. These situations can be explained by the much higher mutation rate of STRs compared to SNPs [24]. Vet Ophthalmol. J Autoimmun. Sixty one Standard Poodles in the study, all from the USA, suffered from SA and 74 from AD. The next artificial genetic bottleneck occurred in 1874 in England when the breed registry was established. Armstrong J. Genetic diversity can be measured by both pedigrees and genetic tests based on DNA. In contrast, the strong DLA class II association observed in Pug dogs with NME was confirmed by a significant hits in the DLA class II region by genome wide association studies (GWAS) using both STRs [38] and SNPs [39]. Controversy has existed from the onset of closed registries over the effects of inbreeding in dogs, as it has been with humans, other animals and even plants. Assays based on linkage between STR genomic loci and DLA genes were used to identify class I and II haplotypes and disease associations. However, dogs possessing haplotypes 2004 and 2006 made up only 6% of the total population (Table3). The DLA was not strongly implicated in either SA or AD, although several less common haplotypes conferred a moderate degree of risk or protection for one or the other disease, and dogs with minor DLA haplotypes were less prone to SA and AD than dogs with major haplotypes. The simplest strategy may be to rebalance the genetic diversity that still exists across the breed. 3). BS was responsible for the biostatistical analyses.
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